

A manga reader app



A manga reader app



A manga reader app



A manga reader app


  • Access to the entire MangaDex library

  • Ability to log in with your MangaDex account

  • Real time sync with your MangaDex account library

  • Infinite scroll style reading experience

  • Content searching

  • Content filtering

  • Intuitive gestures and engaging haptics

  • Fully native app

  • …and more!

Distribution is currently handled via Testflight.

What is Moga?

Moga is a native iOS and macOS (Apple Silicon) manga/comic reader built for a good reading experience. Moga pulls data directly from MangaDex's API and does not host its own content at all.

What can I do with Moga?

You can keep up with popular titles, recently added titles, your latest following library updates, and more! Features will be added over time for parity with the MangaDex website.

How do I download this app?

Distribution happens via Apple's Testflight for now. Simply click the link above to register for the Moga Testflight. In light of the new EU DMA regulations, direct and alternate download methods are being explored.

How do I log in to my MangaDex account in Moga?

Moga will soon support logging into your MangaDex account with just your username and password. For now however, you will need to create a personal client for Moga to use. Please follow the instructions below if you wish to do so:

First, log in on

After logging in, go to "Settings" via the top right corner avatar.

Then click "API Clients".

Your clients list may be blank right now, that's OK. Go ahead and click "Create".

Under "Name", fill in a name that lets you easily remember what this entry is for (i.e. "Moga Personal Client").

The description field is optional. Feel free to fill it in as you see fit. When you're done, click "Create".

The API Client should be automatically approved. If you see a yellow dot next to the entry, a simple page refresh to resolve it. You should now have something that looks like this. Go ahead and click "Get Secret".

Once you get the Secret, refer back to Moga. On Moga's login page, input your normal username and password into their respective fields. Then, input the Client ID and Secret into their respective fields, as shown. Now hit "Log In" and you're done!

You should only need to do this once, and can use the same Personal Client details across all Moga installs where you want to log into the same account.

Built by a ninja, probably